Saturday, March 01, 2025

Sunday, January 18

Magic of touch and love in sexual relationships

One excellent way to put your love into action is through touch.It is small everyday gestures of kindness and love that will fortify your relationship.You have heard the saying, "Reach out and touch someone today." Well reach out and touch your partner today and everyday. Enjoy the closeness that comes from connecting with one another.

According to recent study the couples who did everything from holding hands,hugging and kissing to having sex,had lower level of stress hormone known as cortisol. The research also said that caressing/stroking stimulates the brain to release Oxytocin, which is also called the 'Cuddle hormone'. Oxytocin calm's a person mind and it also increases the desire to be touched further.


Never leave a chance to hold your partner's hand. This is the most beautiful way to remain connected. Hold hands while you are walking or put your hands on your partner's leg while you are driving. Holding hands in public works as a declaration of the fact that 'we are together' and that can double strength of your relationship.


Hug often. A simple hug can create magic . Don't shy away from opening your arms for the one you love. You can hug your partner when he is angry or when your partner has done something special for you. A warm hug also says that I am always there for you come what may.When spouse arrives at home,meet him or her one step earlier than usual and give your mate a big hug and sexy kiss.


When couples sit together with sides of their bodies touching, this small yet sensational physical contact made in public has a direct bearing on the action in the bedroom. When family or friends are visiting , touch your spouse in their presence. A hug , running your hand along his or her arm , putting your arm his as you stand talking , or simply placing your hand on her shoulder can earn double emotional points. It says ,"Even with all those people in our house , I still see you ".


A non sexual kiss or a peck on forehead , hand or cheek can do wonders . While saying I love you say it with a sweet kiss. A slight touch of your lips on a certain part of your lovers body can convey a lot more than a full on , passionate kiss . It can be a signal of 'welcome', 'goodbye' and I am lucky to have you in my life.



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