Tuesday, August 12

Life Is Just Like An Echo ?.....

Life is just like an echo. Once a small child of nearly 5 year old was sad with his mother and shouted on her that, " I hate you" , "I hate you" . After that he ran away to a lonely place , he sat near a valley and shouted thinking of his mother that , " I hate you " , " I hate you " . As soon as he shouted , his voice echoed all over the valley and came back to him as ,"I hate you" , "I hate you" . First time in his life he heard that echo , and it made him afraid . For his security he ran back to his mother and said , "Near the valley there is a bad boy who shouts , I hate you , I hate you" .

Listening to this she told him that just go to the valley and shout , "I Love you " , "I Love you" . The little boy went to the big valley and shouted, "I love you " , "I love you " . His voice echoed all over the valley and came back to him as , "I love you " , "I love you" . Listening to it the boy was happy and learnt a very basic lesson from the event that :

Our life is just like an echo , we get back what we give . That is like a famous saying : " What's goes around , comes around "

So friends to have good personality you must have the quality of giving help . Success merely depends on what you give to others not on removing your competitors from life .




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