Monday, June 29

Mesothelioma Cancer : Cause , Symptoms and Cure

Mesothelioma Information : Mesothelioma cause , Mesothelioma symptoms and Mesothelioma cure

It is typically a kind of cancer. Generally a very dangerous disease which is been caused by exposure to asbestos.
In this disease the malignant cells i.e. the cells which severely and progressively leads to worsening of the disease.
These Malignant cells generally get develop in the mesothelium, which is a lining that protects and covers the internal organs.
It attacks the outer lining of the lungs,internal chest ,lining of the abdominal cavity and the heart.

This mesothelioma cancer is generally happen to the people who are exposed to asbestos dust.
Smoking is also one of the cause for the asbestos in the body.

The symptoms of mesothelioma are generally as follows:
1. Chest wall pain
2. fluid surrounding the lung
3. Shortness of breath
4. Fatigueness
5. cough
6. weight loss.

There are various methods involving the treatment which include:
1. Surgery : It is been not so satisfactory for the treatment of the Mesothelioma cancer.
2. Radiation : Generally somewhat successful , but can be toxic.
3. Chemotherapy : It is one of the better methods which has been quite to an extent good treatment to Mesothelioma cancer.





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