Tuesday, June 30

How to parse an Adsense Html code for blogspot post

Hello friends ...
Today I am going to tell you about a simple blogspot blog trick.
Many of the bloggers feel of having an having adsense ads in the posts.
By far this can be now achieved from the blogspot edit post options....
But there is an problem with that...

1. Google adsense team allow you only to place three adsense code.
2. By editing blogspot post you will have to forcefully place all 3 adsense code in your blogspot post.
3. Many bloggers just like to place adsense code in just one and topmost post and rest two adsense code in the sidebars etc...

To overcome the problem of placing the adsense code into the blogger post, the first and the foremost thing you will have to do is just get your adsense code which you want to place inside your post .

After getting your code if you directly place this code in your blogpost , you won't get anything out of it.....

First and foremost thing which you will want to do is to parse the Adsense html code...

you will have to remove < tag with &lt;
you will have to remove > tag with &gt;
you will have to remove " tag with &quot;


<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
/* xxxxxxxxxx, created xxxxxxxxx */
google_ad_slot = "xxxxxxxxxx";
google_ad_width = xxxx;
google_ad_height = xxxxx;
<script type="text/javascript"


&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;!--
google_ad_client = &quot;pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&quot;;
/* xxxxxxxx, created xxxxxxxx */
google_ad_slot = &quot;xxxxxxxxx&quot;;
google_ad_width = xxx;
google_ad_height = xxx;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;

In my next post I will tell you how to place parsed adsense code in only one and first blogspot post .......

Monday, June 29

Swine Flu : Cause , Symptoms , Prevention and Treatment

Swine flu also been called as Pig flu is an infection that is been caused by Swine Influenza virus which are generally hosted by an pig.Generally the SIV strains are the influenza C virus and the subtypes of the influenza A virus known as H1N1, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3.

Generally it is an infectious disease caused by the transmission of swine influenza virus from pigs to humans, causing sometimes producing antibodies in blood.If transmission cause human influenza, it is called zoonotic swine flu, which is an infectious disease that is transmitted from animals to humans or from humans to animals.

Generally it happens to the people who have intense exposure to pig.
Swine flu is due to a new strain of influenza A virus subtype H1N1 whose origin is still unknown . It has genes closely related to swine influenza virus.
Studied that this strain can be transmitted from human to human.


Generally transmission of a swine flu virus from pigs to humans is called zoonotic swine flu.The smptoms are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness.

Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.Some of the symptoms are also diarrhea and vomiting.The most common cause of death is respiratory failure, pneumonia , high fever, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.


The transmission from pig to human is in swine farms where farmers are in close contact with live pigs. Generally this exposure does not able to infect humans , but may happen, so farmers are advised to use a face mask when dealing with infected animals. Vaccines on swine limits swine to human transmission.

Swine flu spreads between humans through coughing or sneezing and people touching something with the virus on it and then touching their own nose or mouth.Swine flu the virus is not transmitted through food.Prevention from standard influenza will lead to prevention from swine flu.Washing of hands with soap and water.Disinfecting household surfaces, with a diluted chlorine bleach solution.Vaccines are been developed which would be available by June 2009.Anyone with flu symptoms such as a sudden fever, cough or muscle aches should stay away from work.


If a person becomes sick with swine flu, antiviral drugs can make the illness milder and make the patient feel better faster. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms).Beside antivirals, palliative care, at home or in hospital, focuses on controlling fevers and maintaining fluid balance.Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of Tamiflu or Relenza for the treatment of infection with swine influenza viruses.

Learn English Grammar: PARTS OF SPEECH

Words are divided into different kinds or classes , called Parts of Speech , according to their use ; that is , according to the work they do in a sentence .

The parts of Speech are eight in numbers :-

(1) NOUN :- A Noun is a word used as the name of a person , place , or thing ; as ,

......... Akbar was a great King .

.......... Calcutta is on the Hooghly .

......... The rose smells sweet .

......... His courage won him honour .

(2) ADJECTIVE :- An Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun ; as ,

......... He is a brave boy .

.......... There are twenty boys in this class .

(3) PRONOUN :- A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun ; as ,

......... John is absent , because he is ill .

.......... The books are where you left them .

(4) VERB :- A Verb is a used to say something about some person , place or thing ; as ,

.............. The girl wrote a letter to her cousin .

.............. Calcutta is a big town .

.............. Iron and copper are useful metals .

(5) ADVERB :- An Adverb is a word to add something to the meaning of a verb , an adjective , or another adverb ; as ,

........... He worked the sum quickly .

........... This flower is very beautiful .

........... She pronounced the word quiet correctly .

(6) PREPOSITION :- A Preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else ; as ,

............. There is a cow in the garden .

.............. The girl is fond of music .

.............. A fair little girl sat under a tree .

(7) CONJUNCTION :- A Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentences ; as ,

.......... Rama and Hari are cousins .

.......... I ran fast , but missed the train .

(8) INTERJECTION :- An Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling ; as ,

.......... Hurrah ! we have won the game .

........... Alas ! she is dead .

Thus different parts of Speech are used , according to their use in the sentence .

Mesothelioma Cancer : Cause , Symptoms and Cure

Mesothelioma Information : Mesothelioma cause , Mesothelioma symptoms and Mesothelioma cure

It is typically a kind of cancer. Generally a very dangerous disease which is been caused by exposure to asbestos.
In this disease the malignant cells i.e. the cells which severely and progressively leads to worsening of the disease.
These Malignant cells generally get develop in the mesothelium, which is a lining that protects and covers the internal organs.
It attacks the outer lining of the lungs,internal chest ,lining of the abdominal cavity and the heart.

This mesothelioma cancer is generally happen to the people who are exposed to asbestos dust.
Smoking is also one of the cause for the asbestos in the body.

The symptoms of mesothelioma are generally as follows:
1. Chest wall pain
2. fluid surrounding the lung
3. Shortness of breath
4. Fatigueness
5. cough
6. weight loss.

There are various methods involving the treatment which include:
1. Surgery : It is been not so satisfactory for the treatment of the Mesothelioma cancer.
2. Radiation : Generally somewhat successful , but can be toxic.
3. Chemotherapy : It is one of the better methods which has been quite to an extent good treatment to Mesothelioma cancer.

Pneumonia:Symptoms,Cause And Cure

Pneumonia is caused by bacteria called pneumococcus . The bacteria are usually found inhabiting the upper respiratory tract or the lungs of the human beings. In this disease , air sacs in the lungs fill with fluid , preventing oxygen from reaching blood cells and nourishing the other cells of the body . Some times the inflammation occurs in scattered patches in the tissue around the ends of the bronchioles , the smallest air tubes in the lungs . This known as bronchopneumonia .

In other cases the inflammation is widespread and involves an entire lobe of the lung . This condition is called lobar pneumonia .

Most people are naturally resistant to pneumococcus but when the body is lowered, one can contact this disease which manifests itself with a severe chill followed by a steep rise in temperature . The inflammation in the lungs blocks the air passage , thus cutting off the oxygen supply to the body .

A physician can diagnose pneumonia by tapping the chest and listening with a stethoscope to the sound produced . Tapping the chest of a healthy person produces a resonant sound because of the air contained in the lungs. In a person with pneumonia , the air spaces of the lungs become filled with fluid , and tapping produces a dull, flat sound . The diagnosis of pneumonia is confirmed by taking an X-ray picture of the chest. Antibiotics can cure bacterial pneumonia and speed recovery .

In addition to drug treatment , a patient with pneumonia should stay in bed , eat healthy meals , and drink large amount of liquids and avoid unsanitary conditions and poor ventilation. Sunlight and fresh air are important for patient .

Meditation may be given to relieve chest pain and violent coughing , and oxygen may be administered if the patient has difficulty in breathing .

The vaccine is given to the people most at risk for developing pneumonia- those over the age of 65 and those with chronic heart , lung or liver disease ...

Sunday, June 28

The Adsense Code - What Google Never Told You About Making More Money with Adsense: rapidshare free ebook download


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Hidden on the Internet, scattered among billions of Web pages, are the clues to an incredible secret.
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A list of famous sayings and proverbs of all time

(2)>>"nothing succeeds like success">> when you are successful in one area of your life , it often leads success in other areas...........

(3)>>"one swallow doesn't make a summer">> you must not take too seriously a small sign that something is happening or will happen in the future , because the situation could change.......

(4)>>"you can't teach an old dog new tricks">> you cannot successfully make people change their ideas , methods of work , etc , when they had it for a long time.........

(5)>>"you can never tell ">> you can never be sure , for example because things are not always what they appear to be............

(1)>>"the spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak)">> you intend to do good things but you are too lazy , weak or busy to actually do them.........

(2)>>"one step forward, two step back">> used to say that every time you make progress , something bad happens that means situations is worse than before.........

Diphtheria:Symptoms,Cause And Cure

Diphtheria is an acute and highly infectious disease , affecting children particularly , characterized by the formation of a false membrane in the passages of the upper respiratory system such as throat and trachea . The cause of the disease is corynebacterium diphtheria , a bacillus discovered in 1883 , which is a straight or slightly curved rod shaped bacterium with swollen ends. The diphtheria bacilli enter the body through the mouth and nose and attack the mucous membranes , where they multiply and secrete a powerful toxin . The toxin damages the heart and central nervous system and can lead to death .

Beginning about five days after exposure to diphtheria , a gray-white exudate is formed where the bacteria attacks the walls of throat and nose . This exudate increases the size and thickness , becoming a grayish false membrane , and it may block the air passages . Surgery may be necessary to prevent asphyxiation .

Many Antitoxin have been given to infants during the first year of life as a part of combined injection , these toxoids immunize the children against serious infection and have drastically reduced the incidence of diphtheria in most parts of the world .

Tuberculosis: Cause, Symptoms And Cure

Tuberculosis is a chronic or acute bacterial infection that primarily attacks the lungs, but which may also affect the kidneys, bones , lymph nodes and brain . The disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis , a rod shaped bacterium. The affected parts develop lesions in the form of small rounded nodules called tubercles from which the disease gets its name. TB is transmitted from person to person , usually by inhaling bacteria-carrying air droplets . When a person sick with TB coughs , sneezes , or speaks , small particles that carry two to three bacteria surrounded by a layer of moisture are released in the air . When another person's inhales these particles, the bacteria may lodge in that person's lungs and multiply. A less common route of transmission is through the skin.

Symptoms of TB include coughing , chest pain , shortness of breath , loss of appetite , weight loss, fever , chills and fatigue. A chest X-ray may show shadows in the lung or fluid collection between the lung and its lining . Children and people with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to TB.

Generally 5 to 10 % of people infected by TB actually become sick. This disease can develop in to two stages . In primary TB , person generally does not aware of it , and no symptoms is noticeable. But this can lead to the most disastrous stage , called secondary stage.

To prevent it :- proper ventilation system should be developed.
Vaccines such as Bacillus Calmette Guerien vaccine , prepared from bacteria that have been weakened , are another preventive measure

Learn English Grammar: PUNCTUATION

There are various symbols which design our words and sentences, in a nice and attractive way .The list goes something like this :

------------ (".") -- FULL STOP ----------------
1. It is generally used at the end of the sentence , that not a question or exclamation:
I knocked at the door. There was no reply.
I knocked again.
2. It is sometimes used in abbreviations .

3. It is sometimes used in Internet URLs as (.)




here in above some examples (.) used after blog and blogspot as .com

--------------(",") -- COMMA -------------------

1. It is generally used to separate words in a list , though they are often omitted before and :

a bouquet of red,pink and white roses .

tea, coffee , milk or hot chocolate

2. It is used to separate phrases and clauses :

Worn out after all the excitement of the party , the children soon fell asleep.

Oh , so that's where it was .

By the way , did you hear about Sue's car ?

3. It is used to separate a tag question from the rest of the sentence :

It's quite expensive , isn't it ?

You live in Bristol , right ?

-------------- (":")- - COLON -----------

1. It is generally used to introduce a list of items :

These are our options: we go by train and leave before the end of the show ; or we take the car and see it all.

2. To introduce a quotation , which may be intended :

As Kenneth Morgan writes:

The truth was , perhaps, that Britain in the years from 1914 to 1983 had not changed all that fundamentally.

Others ,however,have challenged this view .....

---------------- (";")--- SEMICOLON --------

1. Instead of a comma to separate parts of a sentence that already contain commas :

She was determined to succeed whatever the cost; she would achieve her aim, whosoever might suffer on the way.

The sun was already low in the sky; it would soon be dark.

---------------("?")--QUESTION MARK -----------

1. Used at the end of direct question:

Where's the car ?

---------------("!")-- EXCLAMATION MARK ---------

1. At the end of the sentence expressing the surprise , joy , anger ,shock or another strong emotions :

That's marvellous!

------------------(')-- APOSTROPHE -----------------
1. with s to indicate that a thing or person belongs to somebody:
my friend's brother
the student's books
the women's coats

2. in short forms , to indicate that letters or figures have been omitted :
I'm (I am)
they'd (they would)

----------------("-") ------- HYPHEN ---------------
1. to form a compound from two or more words:
fork-lift truck

--------------("''")-------- QUOTATION MARKS -----------
1. to enclose words and punctuation in direct speech:
'Why on earth did you do that ?' he asked.
'I'll fetch,' she replied.

2. around the titles of articles , books ,poems , plays etc:
I was watching "Match of the Day".

3. Generally in American English double quotation are used .

Sexy sayings and proverbs of all times...

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(1)>>"these things are sent to try us">> used to say that you should accept an unpleasant situation or event because you cannot change it........

(2)>>"(there is) no time like the present">> now is the best time to do something not in the future...........

(3)>>"time is money">> time is valuable , and should not be wasted.........

(4)>>"time alone will tell...">> used to say that you will have to wait for some time to find out results of a situation.......

(5)>>"it does exactly what it says on the tin ">> used to say that something is as good or effective as it claims to be , or that it really does what it claims to do. This expression is especially used when you are compairing publicity and advertisements with actual products................

(6)>>"strike while the iron is hot">> to make use of an opportunity immediately........

Wednesday, June 24



The process of communication starts with the sender and thus the sender has to be clear both in thought and expression , in order to communicate effectively .


Before communicating , the sender should have clear thought for which he should be clear in following three points :
(1) What is objective of communication ?
(2) What actual message is ?
(3) Which is suitable medium for achieving the purpose ?


The sender transmits the message through a medium to the receiver , for which he has to encode the message in a way that it is logically and sequentially coded so that receiver can get exact idea of the transmitter's mind after decoding it. To encode the message , the sender needs words , here sender should be very careful about the meanings of the words and their organisation. Such as :

(1) Use of simple words : Sender should use simple words instead of the pompous words.....
(2) Use of single words phrases : Sender should use single word for a long and pompous phrase..
example : sender can use the word - "although" instead of long phrase such as "despite the fact that"

(3) Use of concrete words : Concrete words provide the exact meaning and have definite and specific sense..... for example : instead of using "in near future" we can use the words which can give the exact meaning - i.e. say "On Monday evening"
(4) Use of verbs instead of nouns : As verbs brings simplicity .......

(5) Avoid negative statement : Using positive statement may bring positive effect to the reader
for example : We should avoid - 'We do not find any major problem' for this we may use 'We would be pleased to help'........
(6) Avoid use of foreign words .....
(7) Avoid use of double meaning words ........


There are group of words which make sense , but say they do not make complete sense .Such a group of words , which makes sense , but not complete sense , is called a Phrase .

In the following sentences , the groups of words in italics are phrases :-

........ The sun rises in the east.

......... Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

........ There came a giant to my door.

........ It was sunset of great beauty.

........ The tops of the mountains were covered with snow.

........ Show me how to do it .

Examine the groups of words in the italics in the following sentences : -

....... He has a chain of gold .

....... He has a chain which is made of gold .

We recognise the first group of words as a Phrase .The second group of words , unlike the phrase of gold , contains a Subject ( which ) and a Predicate ( is made of gold ) , is called a Clause .

In the following sentences , the groups of words in italics are Clauses :-

......... People who pay their debts are trusted .

......... We cannot start while it is raining .

........ I think that you have made a mistake .

Aishwarya continues at LONGINES watches


Aishwarya Rai from LONGINES watch launch



When we make a sentence -

(1) We name some person or thing ; and

(2) say something about that person or thing .

In other words , we must have a 'subject' to speak about and we must say or 'predicate' something about that subject.

Hence every subject has two parts -

(1) The part which names the person or thing we are speaking about . This is called the 'Subject' of the sentence .

(2) The part which tells something about the subject . This is called the 'Predicate' of the sentence ....

The Subject of a sentence usually comes first , but occasionally it is put after the Predicate ; as ,

......... Down went the Royal George.

........... Sweet are the uses of adversity.

In Imperative sentences the Subject is left out ; as ,

.......... Sit down [ Here the Subject 'you' is understood .]

........... Thank him. [ Here too the Subject 'you' understood.]

Kareena Kapoor from MyWorld Magazine



Examine these sentences :-

1. David threw a stone.
2. The horse kicked the boy.

In the sentence 1 , the noun David is the Subject . It is answer to the question , "Who threw the stone ?" .
The group of the words threw a stone is the Predicate .
The Predicate contains the verb threw .
What did David throw ? - A stone . Stone is the object which David threw. The Noun stone is therefore called the Object.
In the sentence 2 , the noun horse is the Subject. It is answer to the question , 'who kicked the boy ?' .
The noun boy is the Object . It is answer to the question, 'Whom did the horse kick ?'

When a noun (0r pronoun) is used as the Subject of a verb , it is said to be in the Nominative Case .
When a noun (or pronoun) is used as the Object of a verb , it is said to be in the Objective (or Accusative) Case .

A noun which comes after a preposition is also said to be in the Accusative Case ; as ,
..... The book is in the desk .
The noun desk is in the Accusative Case , governed by the preposition in .

Read the following sentences :-
.... Hari broke the window (Object)
.... The window was broken . (Subject)
It will be seen that Nouns in English have the same form for the Nominative and the Accusative.

The Nominative generally comes before the verb , and the Accusative after the verb. Hence they are distinguished by the order of words , or by the sense .

Examine :-
This is Ram's umbrella .
Ram's umbrella = the umbrella belonging to Rama.
Rama is changed to Rama's to show the ownership or possession . The Noun Rama's is therefore said to be in Possessive Case .

The Possessive Case does not always denote possession . It is used to denote authorship , origin , kind etc ; as ,
Shakespeare's plays
A mother's love
Rama's temple
Solomon's temple



1. When we speak or write we use words . We generally use these words in groups ; as ,

........Little Jack Horner sat in a corner.

A group of words like this , which makes complete sense , is called a Sentence .


2. Sentences are of four kinds:-

(1) Those which make statements or assertions ; as ,

........ Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

(2) Those which ask question ; as ,

.......... Where do you live ?

(3) Those which express commands , requests , or entreaties ; as ,

.............. Be quiet.

(4) Those which express strong feelings ; as ,

............ How very cold the night is !

.............. What a shame !

A sentence that makes statements or assertion is called a 'Declarative' or 'Assertive' sentence.

A sentence that asks a question is called an 'Interrogative' sentence .

A sentence that expresses a command or an entreaty is called an 'Imperative' sentence .

A sentence that expresses strong feeling is called an 'Exclamatory' sentence .


In this post , I will tell you about the process and components involved in the communication....

Process means a method , a procedure , or a technique and communication means an exchange of views and ideas between two or more than two people.
Thus communication is possible through a particular procedure or in other words a particular procedure is to be adopted in order to communicate.

The main components of communication are :






All the above things or components are been explained to you in my previous posts , but there is a little more thing to be added is the Semantic Gap.......

Semantic Gap is the gap which is quiet often occur between message send and message received. Suppose a sender sends a message to receiver , but the message is received to the receiver after say 1 or 2 weeks , than that is semantic gap , because that message is now not useful for the receiver to give a feedback...

One more point what is important here is the medium.... Medium is the channel via which the message is tranferred from sender to receiver.......

11. Letter-Writting

As I am reading book called "English Grammar and Composition" written by Wren and Martin , they have written very nice article on how to write a letter . They have presented it in a useful and easy way.
Every educated person should know how to write a clear and readable letter. There are different sorts of letter , as friendly letters , Business letters etc.
The main parts in the powerful letter are as follows :

1.---- THE HEADING -----
This part is written in the letter ,which generally inform the person who reads the letter, that from where the letter has came along with the date . This helps the receiver to know the address and to write back to him. The position of its placement is generally in the top right-hand corner, with address above and date below it. As for example :
----------------------------------------------------------------------" 30 Sarvodaya Nagar
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Indore-452001.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24th July 1972 ".
2. -------SALUTATION --------
The form of Greeting will depend upon the relation in which you stand to the person to whom you are writing.

To members of your family , for example , it will be---
Dear Father , My dear Mother , Dear Uncle , Dear Hari , etc.

To friends , it will be ----
Dear Shri Desai , or Dear Desai or Ramchandra, etc.

To business people, it will be----
Dear Sir, Gentlemen, etc.

The position of the Salutation is at the left-hand of the first page, at a lower level than the Heading.

3. ------ BODY OF THE LETTER --------
This is letter itself. Style of writing letter generally depends on to whom you write the letter.The style of letter to an friend will be different from that of purely business letter. Do this few steps in writing your letter.
(a) Divide your letter into paragraphs.
(b) Use simple , direct language and short sentences .
(c) Try to be complete .
(d) Write neatly and don't use bad penmanship.
(e) Mind your punctuation .

4.------ THE SUBSCRIPTION--------
A letter must not end abruptly , simply with the writer's name . This would look rude.So certain forms of polite leave-taking are prescribed. Such as----
Yours sincerely , Your sincere friend , Yours truly etc.
It must be written below the last word of the letter , and to the right side of the page.

5.------- THE SIGNATURE --------
This must come below the subscription. Thus: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Yours very truly, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------K.R. Deshpande " ----------

6. ------THE SUPERSCRIPTION ---------
This thing is generally written on the envelope. As for example :

---------------A.R. Rahman ,---------------
---------------14 Park Street,--------------
--------------- Calcutta --------------------


Time language : "Chronomics" is a form of non-verbal communication .

In today's world time is precious for all the people as they are so busy in their daily course , that they can't spare time for their families.

Thus for any sort of communication , the speaker should develop a skill to communicate the points in brief.

Brevity is an important characteristic of good and effective communication but it should not be achieved at the cost of clarity , correctness , completeness and courtesy....

Following four rules should be applied in providing a concise message :-

(1) be to the point - only relevant facts are to be included.

(2) Avoid repetition - the facts , commands should not be repeated , as this induces monotony and irritation , the reader feels to be befooled .......

(3) proper organisation of message-the message should be logically arranged to make communication concise ......

(4) avoid verbosity cliched and wordy expressions should not be used in communication .......

10. Kinds Of Adjectives .

Adjectives may be divided into the following classes :-

Adjectives of Quality (or Descriptive Adjective) show the kind or quality of a person or thing ; as,

...... Calcutta is a large city .
...... He is an honest man .
...... The foolish old crow tried to sing .

Adjectives of Quantity show how much of a thing is meant ; as ,

..... I ate some rice .
..... He showed much patience .
..... He has little intelligence .
..... We have had enough exercise .
..... He has lost all his wealth .

Adjectives of Number show how many persons or things are meant or in what order a person or thing stands ;as,

.... The hand has five fingers .
.... Few cats like cold water .
.... There are no pictures in this book .
.... All men must die .

Adjectives of number are of three kinds :-

  1. Definite Numeral Adjectives , which denote an exact number ; as ,

.... One , two , three etc these are called Cardinals , because it denotes how many .

..... First , second , third etc these are called Ordinals , it denotes the order of things in series.

2. Indefinite Numeral Adjectives , which do not denote an exact number ; as ,

.... All , many , few , some , any ,certain etc.....

3. Distributive Numeral Adjectives , which refers to each one of a number ; as ,

Each boy must take his turn.
Every word of it is false.

The same adjective may be classed as of Quantity or Number , according to its use.
Adjectives of Quantity :-
(i) I ate some rice.
(ii) He has lost all his wealth.
(iii) You have no sense .

Adjectives of Number :-
(i) Some boys are clever.
(ii) All men must die.
(iii) There are no pictures in this book.

Demonstrative Adjectives point out which person or thing is meant; as ,
(i) This boy is stronger than Hari.
(ii) That boy is industrious.
(iii) These mangoes are sour.

What , which and whose when they are used with nouns to ask questions are called Interrogative Adjectives ; as ,
(i) What manner of man is he ?
(ii) Which way shall we go ?
(iii) Whose book is this ?

In the following sentences the words own and very are used as Emphasizing Adjectives :-
(i) I saw it with my own eyes .
(ii) He was beaten at his own game .
(iii) Mind your own business .

The word what is sometimes used as an Exclamatory Adjective ;as,
(i) What genius !
(ii) What folly !
(iii) What an idea !

Formation Of Adjectives
(1) Many Adjectives are formed from Nouns.

Nouns ------------------ Adjectives

Boy --------------------- boyish
Fool --------------------- foolish
Care --------------------- careful
Play --------------------- playful
Gold --------------------- golden
Dirt ---------------------- dirty
Laugh -------------------- laughable
King --------------------- Kingly
Gift ---------------------- gifted

(ii) Some Adjectives are formed Verbs .

Verb -------------------- Adjectives

Tire --------------------- tireless
Talk --------------------- talkative
cease --------------------- ceaseless
Move -------------------- moveable

(iii) Some Adjectives are formed from other Adjectives .

Adjective ----------------- Adjective

Tragic ---------------------- tragical
Whole -------------------- wholesome
Three -------------------- threefold
Black --------------------- blackish


In business , communication plays a vital role .
Every , organisation , irrespective of its business or size , is held together by communication.
No organisation can function in the absence of communication. The primary element in management skills is competence in communication.
It is the tool with , which , influence is exercised on other , change is brought in the and views of associates , relation is maintained and established.

Thus in Business , communication emphasises five different points -

(1) The process of communication involves transmission of ideas.

(2) The replication of idea. The idea transmitted is to be replicated in the receiver's mind , without any distortion , to make communication perfect one.

(3) The sender is assured about the replication of idea by feedback. Here it means that communication is a two way process as feedback is the response of the receiver to the sender..

(4)The elicit action is common purpose of all communication.

(5) If all these factors are present then the organisational goal is accomplished.......

Thus in business communication , communication is exchange of any fact , idea , opinion or emotion between two or more people where feedback is necessary and its main function is to inform , or bring round to a certain point of view....

9. The Adjective

Read the following sentences :-

1. Sita is a clever girl. (Girl of what kind ?)
2. I don't like that boy . (Which boy ?)
3. He gave me five mangoes . (How many mangoes ?)
4. There is little time for preparation . (How much time ?)

In sentence 1, 'clever' shows what kind of girl Sita is.
In sentence 2, 'that' points out which boy is meant.
In sentence 3, 'five' shows how many mangoes he gave me.
In sentence 4, 'little' shows how much time there is for preparation.

A word used with a noun to describe or point out , the person, animal , place or thing or tell quantity is called an Adjective. It generally adds something to the meaning of noun.

In the following sentences:-

1. The lazy boy was punished.
2. The boy is lazy.

In sentence 1, the adjective lazy is used along with the noun boy as an epithet or attribute. It is , therefore , said to be used Attributively
In sentence 2, the adjective lazy is used along with the verb is, and forms part of the predicate. It is , therefore , said to be used Predicatively.



Hello friends,

Today I am starting a new category which is on my favourite topic "Communication Skills".......

Let's begin with the definition......

What is Communication ?..Well..

The word communication has been originated from a Latin verb 'Communicare' , which means 'to impart ', 'to participate', 'to share', or 'to make common' . By virtue of its origination from latin , it is a source of English word 'Common' . It is known that what is common is shared by all. This makes clear that 'sharing' is an essence of Communication.

'Sharing' is the two way process as 'giving' is one way process thus for communication, two sources are needed i.e. a sender and a receiver. Thus what is shared between two individual or sources , is known as Communication.

What we share in communication?.....

The one word answer to this is - 'Information' , i.e. something that is to be told , in whatever way liked or as per demand of the situation.As communication is sharing so it does not only mean common talk, sending the message to the other person but it is much more than that.

It involves the assurance that the message reaches to the person to whom it is sent ; and also that the sender interprets and responds to the feedback received by him.

Communication is complicated by all factors that influence the human behaviour.........


Kindly notice some sort of change in the second word of each pair :-

(1) Tree ---- Trees..... ....(3) Ox ---- Oxen .

(2) Box ---- Boxes...... ....(4) Man ---- Men .

Here the if you see you would find that , the first word of each pair denotes 'one' thing , where as second word denotes 'more than one' .

A Noun that denotes one person or thing is said to be in the Singular Number ; as ,

Boy , girl , cow , bird , tree , book , etc ......

A Noun that denotes more than one person or thing is said to be in the Plural Number ; as ,

Boys , girls , cows , birds , trees , books , etc ......

::::::::::::::::::::::::: How plurals are formed :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

(1) The plural of nouns are generally formed by adding -s to the singular as ; as ,

(1) Boy---boys ;
(2) Girl---girl ;
(3) Book---books ; ......etc...

(2) But nouns ending in -s , -sh , -ch (soft) , or -x form plural by adding -es to the singular ; as ,

(1) Class---- classes ;
(2) Kiss ---- kisses ;
(3) Dish ---- dishes ;
(4) Brush ---- brushes ; ... etc

(3) Generally most of the nouns ending in -o also form plural by adding -es to the singular ; as ,

(1) Buffalo ---- buffaloes ;
(2) mango ---- mangoes ;
(3) hero ---- heroes ;
(4) echo --- echoes ;

(4) A few nouns ending in -o , generally those which are in less common use , add -s ; as ,

(1) dynamo---- dynamoes ;
(2) solo ---- solos ;
(3) ratio --- ratios ;
(4) canto --- cantoes ;

(5) Nouns ending in -y , preceded by a consonant , form their plural by changing -y into -i and adding -es ; as ,

(1) Lady --- ladies ;
(2) army --- armies ;
(3) story --- stories ;
(4) baby --- babies ;

(6) Several nouns ending in -f or -fe form their plural by changing -f or -fe into v and adding -es ; as ,

(1) Theif --- theives ;
(2) wife --- wives ;
(3) wolf --- wolves ;
(4) life --- lives ;

But generally , though above rules follows very well , but exceptions do come in it ......Few nouns form their plural by changing the inside vowel of the singular ; as ,

Man --- men , woman --- women , foot --- feet ;

Some nouns have the singular and plural alike ;as , Swine , sheep , deer , thousand , pair .....etc......

Some are used only as a plural ; as ,Bellows , tongs , spectacles ;Some nouns originally singular are now used as plural ; as ,riches , eaves , alms ;

The following plural forms are commonly used in singular :-Mathematics , physics , mechanics , politics , news ;

Certain Collective Nouns , though singular in the form are always used as plural ; as ,Poultry , cattle , people , vermin ;

Letters and symbols are made plural by adding an apostrophe and s ; as ,for example :-

(1) Add two 5's and four 2's . ;
(2) There are more e's than a's in this page .



Gender comes from a Latin word genus , which means kind or sort .

Suppose take an example :-

(1) Boy ---- Girl.

(2) Hero ---- Heroine.

What do you notice ?.

The first word of above two example is a male .
The second word of above two example is a female .
Therefore we conclude that :

A noun that denotes a male is said to be the Masculine Gender .

A noun that denotes a female is said to be the Feminine Gender .

A noun that denotes either a female or a male is said to be of the Common Gender ; as ,

Parent , child , friend , pupil , servant , enemy , cousin , infant , neighbour , person , student etc..

A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is said to be of Neutral Gender ; as ,

Book , pen , room , tree etc ..

Gender has nothing to do with the form of a noun , it is entirely a matter of sex or the absense of sex . Collective nouns , even when they denote living beings , are considered of the neutral gender . Young children and the lower animals are also referred to as of the neutral gender .Objects generally without life are sometimes spoken as if they are living beings.

For example:-

The Masculine Gender is often applied to objects which signifies strength and violence ; as ,

........ The sun sheds his beams on rich and poor alike .

The Feminine Gender is generally applied to objects which signifies beauty and gentleness ; as ,

....... The moon has hidden her face behind a cloud .

This type of usage is most common in the poetry ; as ,

A ship is always used as a she ; as ,
......... The ship lost all her boats in the storm .

::::::::::: Ways of forming Feminine of Nouns ::::::::::::::

There are generally three ways of forming the Feminine of Nouns :-

(1) By using a entirely different word ; as ,

.... Boy to Girl.
... Brother to Sister.
... Dog to bitch.
... Cock to hen.
... Husband to wife.
... King to queen.
... Papa to mamma ..... etc ....

(2) By adding a syllable ( -ess , -ine , -trix , -a , etc .) as ,

.... Author to authoress (-ess ).
... Host to hostess ( -ess ).
... Lion to lioness ( -ess ).
... Actor to actress ( -ess ).
... Hero to heroine ( -ine ).
... Administrator to administratrix ( -trix ).
... Executor to executrix ( -trix ).
... Sultan to sultana ( -a ).
... Signor to signora ( -a ).

(3) By placing a word before or after ; as ,

.... Bull-calf to cow-calf.
... Cock-sparrow to hen-sparrow.
... Grandfather to grandmother.
... Peacock to peahen.
... Milkman to milkmaid .... etc .....

Kareena Kapoor from her upcoming movie : kambakht ishq


Kareena Kapoor with Ajay Devgan on cineblitz magazine



Communication has two broad forms -

Verbal and Non-Verbal .

The basic necessity for verbal communication is language. Language skills are acquired from the childhood and continues forever more. This type of communication through a language is called Verbal communication. Further verbal communication may be oral or written. Whereas , non-verbal communication does not include any language , it is through facial expression , physical gestures , movements , actions , etc.......

Co-operation is an important factor between the sender and the receiver , in the absence of which , there can be no communication . Suppose you speak to a person who is busy in some other work or use a language which he does not understand , there will be no communication. Therefore , sender is to be aware about the receiver his availability , language that he understands and his presence of mind.

Sender can use any form of communication , depending on the requirement of the situation and availability . Sender needs a message that is to be conveyed , that is accordance to the demand of the situation.

Now , sender needs a medium to transmit the message to the receiver. The medium may be verbal i.e. a language or non-verbal like a set of symbols which stand for certain idea , feeling ,notion or thing . These symbols are to be encoded in a particular sequence or pattern to convey the meaning.......

The choice of medium or symbols totally depend on the situation and its demand . A manager , while wishing to communicate to his subordinates might use memo , notice , oral ,physical gestures , etc .. according to the demand and the purpose of the message which is accordance to the situation.....

Once the sender transmits the message , he expects response from the receiver. The response may be immediate or delayed ; it may be favourable or unfavorable . If a manager sends an order letter , he might get an immediate response but if he sends an application for leave , it may not be granted


A Noun is a word used as the name of a person , place or thing .

Look at the following sentence :-

........ Asoka was a wise king .

The noun Asoka refers to a particular king , but the noun king might be applied to any king as well as to Asoka .We call Asoka a 'Proper Noun' , and king a 'Common Noun' .


Sita is a Proper Noun , while girl is a Common Noun .

Hari is a Proper Noun , while boy is a Common Noun .

The word girl is a Common Noun because it is a name common to all the girls , while Sita is a Proper Noun because it is a name of a particular girl .

A Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of same class or kind. Common here means shared by all .

A Proper Noun is a name of some particular person or place .

Note - Proper Noun are always written with a capital letter at the beginning .

Note - Proper Noun are sometimes used as Common Nouns ; as ,

......... He was the Lukman ( = the wisest man ) of his age .

......... Kalidas is often called the Shakespeare ( = the greatest dramatist ) of India .

Common Nouns include what are called Collective Nouns and Abstract Nouns .
A Collective Noun is the name of a number ( or collection ) of persons or thing taken together and spoken of as one whole ; as ,

Crowd , mob , team , flock , herd , army , fleet , jury , family etc.

............... The police dispersed the crowd .

........ The French army was defeated at Waterloo .

An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality , action or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs ; as ,

Quality :- Goodness , kindness , darkness , brightness , honesty , wisdom , bravery .

Action :- Laughter , theft , movement , judgement , hatred .

State :- Childhood , boyhood , youth , slavery , sleep , sickness , poverty .

Abstract Nouns are formed -

(1) From Adjectives ; as ,.... Kindness from kind ; honesty from honest .

(2) From Verbs ; as ,.... Obedience from obey ; growth from grow .

(3) From Common Nouns ; as ,.... Childhood from child ; slavery from slave .

Tuesday, June 23

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Rakhi sawant showing great and massive Cleavage

Now this is real Rakhi Sawant in her original style

Jennifer Ellison Topless covered on holiday

Jennifer Ellison looking hot n sexy in a white outfit.... Looking like mermaid in the water...




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