Monday, October 27


Hello friends,In my previous post I have told you how to remember first five numbers i.e from 1,2,3,4,5.......
Let's begin with the number "6".........
The letter J looks like close mirror image of the number "6" therefore letter 'J' will always represents the number "6"..........
Similarly "J" has some similar phonetic sound letters such as "sh", "ch" ,"soft g" ......
All these sounds are made with the lips, tongue and teeth in the same position..........
So number "6" will be represented by letters J, sh , ch , and soft g................
You can form the letter "k" with two sevens. One seven right side up and the other upside down.....
That will help you to remember that the sound of letter "k" will represent number "7" and vice -versa.....
Letter "7" is also associated with the letters which has same phonetic sound as "k" which are "hard c" and "hard g"..........
The number 8 is very much similar to handwritten "f", So "f" along with "v" and "ph" will always represent the number 8........
If you turn the 9 around (mirror image) it's a "p". "P" and "B" have the same phonetic sound, so P and b will always represent number 9............
The sound for zero (0) will be represented by "S", "Z", "soft c"..........

Kindly memorize these words in your mind because whole of the thing which I will tell you in my next posts will be based on this 10 numbers and their phonetic sound alphabets , so before reading my next post have a review to them and memorize them .......





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