Tuesday, July 28

Starting Out with Python : Free ebook download rapidshare

Starting Out with Python : Free ebook download rapidshare

Starting Out with Python helps students to the basics of programming.With the Python, students gain confidence for developing high-quality programs.This book discusses control structures, functions, lists, and file I/O ,classes.

Using clear and easy-to-read code, practical real-world examples, detail explanations, exercises in every chapter.

Some of the key features of the book are ....

1. Control structures, functions, lists, and file I/O are covered before classes are introduced.
2. A clear writing style for beginning programmers, with two to three explanations following each major concept.
3. A large exercises in each chapter.
4. Source code is provided so that students can run the programs themselves.
5. Checkpoints helps understanding of important lessons at key places in each chapter.

The link to this free ebook from rapidshare is ....






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