Thursday, July 31

Electronic Messaging

Text messages , chat room messages and sometimes emails can be written using the smallest number of letters possible . Pronouns , prepositions and articles may be omitted and abbreviations are widely used . These are some examples of how words might be shown in a message :

2DAY ===> today
2MORO ===> tomorrow
2NITE ===> tonight
ASAP ===> as soon as possible
ATB ===> all the best
B4 ===> before
B4N ===> bye for now
BBL ===> be back later
BTW ===> by the way
CUL8R ===> see you later
F2F ===> face to face
FWIW ===> for what it's worth
FYI ===> for your information
GR8 ===> great
HAND ===> have a nice day
ILU ===> I love you
IMHO ===> in my humble opinion
KIT ===> keep in touch
LOL ===> lots of love / luck or laughing out loud
MSG ===> message
MYOB ===> mind your own business
NO1 ===> no one
PCM ===> please call me
PLS ===> please
SOM1 ===> someone
SPK ===> speak
THX ===> thanks
WAN2 ===> want to
WKND ===> weekend
X ===> kiss
XLNT ===> excellent
XOXO ===> hugs and kisses
YR ===> your




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