Monday, June 29

Pneumonia:Symptoms,Cause And Cure

Pneumonia is caused by bacteria called pneumococcus . The bacteria are usually found inhabiting the upper respiratory tract or the lungs of the human beings. In this disease , air sacs in the lungs fill with fluid , preventing oxygen from reaching blood cells and nourishing the other cells of the body . Some times the inflammation occurs in scattered patches in the tissue around the ends of the bronchioles , the smallest air tubes in the lungs . This known as bronchopneumonia .

In other cases the inflammation is widespread and involves an entire lobe of the lung . This condition is called lobar pneumonia .

Most people are naturally resistant to pneumococcus but when the body is lowered, one can contact this disease which manifests itself with a severe chill followed by a steep rise in temperature . The inflammation in the lungs blocks the air passage , thus cutting off the oxygen supply to the body .

A physician can diagnose pneumonia by tapping the chest and listening with a stethoscope to the sound produced . Tapping the chest of a healthy person produces a resonant sound because of the air contained in the lungs. In a person with pneumonia , the air spaces of the lungs become filled with fluid , and tapping produces a dull, flat sound . The diagnosis of pneumonia is confirmed by taking an X-ray picture of the chest. Antibiotics can cure bacterial pneumonia and speed recovery .

In addition to drug treatment , a patient with pneumonia should stay in bed , eat healthy meals , and drink large amount of liquids and avoid unsanitary conditions and poor ventilation. Sunlight and fresh air are important for patient .

Meditation may be given to relieve chest pain and violent coughing , and oxygen may be administered if the patient has difficulty in breathing .

The vaccine is given to the people most at risk for developing pneumonia- those over the age of 65 and those with chronic heart , lung or liver disease ...


Bronchopneumonia on February 16, 2010 at 12:47 PM said...

Bronchopneumonia is a severe type of pneumonia that is characterized by multiple areas of isolated and acute consolidation that affects one or more pulmonary lobes. This condition is similar to ordinary pneumonia, except that this is a more severe variety whose treatment requires special attention than its ordinary counterpart.




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